
What Does Your Face Say About Your Health?

PostedAt: Mon, Jun 7, 2021 12:01 PM

You are really familiar with the face staring back at you. But a closer peek may show clues about your health -- if you know what to look for. When doctors chat with patients eye to eye, it's not just about creating rapport. Certain facial traits may reveal vital clues to underlying health conditions.

1.Dry, flaky skin or lips

This is a common warning sign of dehydration. It may also indicate a more serious problem that affects sweat gland function, such as hypothyroidism (marked by insufficient levels of thyroid hormone) or diabetes. Other signs of hypothyroidism include feeling cold, weight gain, and fatigue. Diabetes symptoms include extreme thirst, frequent urination, and blurry vision. The symptom could also reflect eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, or an allergic drug reaction.

2. Eye bags and puffiness

 Tired-looking eyes could be a red flag for chronic allergies, which dilate blood vessels and cause them to leak. In the sensitive skin under your eyes, this creates puffiness and a dark purple-blue hue

3. Facial asymmetry

This can be one of the first signs of a stroke. “Patients will often describe it like this: ‘I looked in the mirror, and my face looked different.’” You might also notice that one side of your face is numb or feel as if you can’t fully smile. Or you might have trouble speaking. Asymmetry could also be from Bell’s Palsy, but always rule out a stroke before investigating other causes. The key to treating a stroke is getting there fast. A stroke may also present with double vision and weakness in your arms or legs.

4. Yellowish Skin and Eyes

This is jaundice. It’s when you have too much of a waste product your body makes when it breaks down red blood cells. It’s common -- and usually harmless -- in babies born before 38 weeks, because their livers aren’t mature enough to work the way they should. In adults, jaundice can mean more serious conditions, like viral infections (hepatitis, mononucleosis); problems with your liver, gallbladder, or pancreas; or alcohol abuse.

5. Moles.

These are spots or bumps, often dark in color. Most are nothing to worry about, but skin checks can help you spot cancer before it spreads.

6. Receding chin

 A receding chin is generally considered to be a part of the aging process. However, a receding chin or retrogenia as it is called in the medical field can also be caused by your genetics. Other known causes could be due to the Pierre Robin sequence and Treacher Collins syndrome, which is found in small infants, impairing their breathing.

7. Facial paralysis

The term "facial paralysis" may sound a bit scary, so let's break it down. Facial paralysis is basically a condition called Bell's palsy. A person suffering from this usually is unable to move a side of their face. They also complain of pain in their jaw and behind their ears.

This paralysis is caused by a kind of virus that presses your facial nerves, thus causing pain and swelling.

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